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Friday, July 29, 2011

Can You Truly Understand ?

Let's face it; there are a lot of relationship theories out there. One trend that seems to pop up frequently is the belief that there is a vast difference between men and women. Let's all pretend we believe this for a moment… If this theory is true then it would be similar to trying to communicate with someone from another country with a unique language and culture. You might find this difficult, but you would have to find a way to communicate if you were to cohabitate or spend frequent time with them.
In theory this sounds rather workable. It's not so difficult to consider that men and women are completely different beings raised with different viewpoints, communication styles and thought patterns. In practice though you will find that each person defies being molded or put into a group. Sure, there are some common traits that may seem attributable to an entire group, but one universal truth still remains. What might seem like a truth or fact for you may not in fact be true for another person. Think about that thought for a moment. Just because you find something that works for you, it doesn't mean it will work for someone else. So, in respect for individuality and freedom of expression, we need to take this theory a step further in order to actually find a method of decoding and classifying our mate or future mate's behavior.
Instead of considering men and women as two unique groups with their own cultural habits and traits, consider each person as their own unique group. Every person has their own story, their own habits and their own way of thinking. There are countless factors that could have contributed to the way a person acts or feels. The goal of being in a relationship is taking the time to discover what those factors are for the specific person you are with.
When you are in a relationship or just starting one, it's vitally important to remember that in many situations your partner may not be thinking the same thoughts as you. They may not handle situations in the same way. Everything from holidays to the way you eat could be different. Guess what? THAT'S OKAY! Being different doesn't compromise the potential of the relationship. It's the inability to find common ground and develop a real interest in understanding each other that's the real source of trouble.
Now, instead of trying to find blanket rules that fit every man and woman, we can break it down to something more workable; finding the rules for your one particular love interest. Sound more confrontable? Let's break it down even further.

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